# As job
# Methods provided
Lists all methods provided by the trait.
# dispatch
Dispatches a job asynchronously.
# dispatchIf
Dispatches a job asynchronously if the condition is met.
SendTeamReportEmail::dispatchIf($team->plan === 'premium', $team);
# dispatchUnless
Dispatches a job asynchronously unless the condition is met.
SendTeamReportEmail::dispatchUnless($team->plan === 'free', $team);
# dispatchSync
Dispatches a job synchronously.
# dispatchNow
Dispatches a job synchronously. (Alias of dispatchSync
# dispatchAfterResponse
Dispatches a job synchronously but only after the response was sent to the user.
# makeJob
Creates a new JobDecorator
that wraps the action. This can be used to dispatch a job using dispatch
helper method or when creating a chain of jobs from actions (See withChain
# makeUniqueJob
Creates a new UniqueJobDecorator
that wraps the action. By default, makeJob
will automatically return a UniqueJobDecorator
if your action implements the ShouldBeUnique
trait. However, you may use this method directly to force a UniqueJobDecorator
to be created.
# withChain
Attaches a list of jobs to be executed after the job was processed.
$chain = [
Note that you can achieve the same result by using the chain method on the Bus Facade.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Bus;
# assertPushed
Asserts the action was dispatched.
// Requires the Queue Facade to be fake.
// Assert the job was dispatched.
// Assert the job was dispatched 3 times.
// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched.
// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched 3 times.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushed(3, $callback);
The callback will receive the following four arguments:
- The action itself. Here it would be an instance of SendTeamReportEmail.
- The job's arguments. That is, the arguments you provided when calling SendTeamReportEmail::dispatch(...).
- The JobDecorator that decorates your action.
- The name of the queue that was used.
# assertNotPushed
Asserts the action was not dispatched. See assertPushed
for the callback arguments.
// Requires the Queue Facade to be fake.
// Assert the job was not dispatched.
// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was not dispatched.
# assertPushedOn
Asserts the action was dispatched on a given queue. See assertPushed
for the callback arguments.
// Requires the Queue Facade to be fake.
// Assert the job was dispatched on the 'reports' queue.
// Assert the job was dispatched on the 'reports' queue 3 times.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushedOn('reports', 3);
// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched on the 'reports' queue.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushedOn('reports', $callback);
// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched on the 'reports' queue 3 times.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushedOn('reports', 3, $callback);
# Methods used
Lists all methods and properties recognised and used by the JobDecorator
# asJob
Called when dispatched as a job. Uses the handle
method directly when no asJob
method exists.
class SendTeamReportEmail
use AsAction;
public function handle(Team $team, bool $fullReport = false): void
// Prepare report and send it to all $team->users.
public function asJob(Team $team): void
$this->handle($team, true);
# getJobMiddleware
Adds job middleware directly in the action. The parameters are passed in but note that they are in an array.
public function getJobMiddleware(array $parameters): array
return [new RateLimited('reports')];
# configureJob
Defines the JobDecorators
's option directly in the action.
use Lorisleiva\Actions\Decorators\JobDecorator;
public function configureJob(JobDecorator $job): void
# $jobConnection
Defines the connection of the JobDecorator
. Can also be set using configureJob
public string $jobConnection = 'my_connection';
# $jobQueue
Defines the queue of the JobDecorator
. Can also be set using configureJob
public string $jobQueue = 'my_queue';
# $jobTries
Defines the number of times the job may be attempted.
public int $jobTries = 10;
# $jobMaxExceptions
Defines the maximum number of exceptions to allow before failing.
public int $jobMaxExceptions = 3;
# $jobBackoff
Defines the number of seconds to wait before retrying the job. Can also be set the getJobBackoff
public int $jobBackoff = 60;
# getJobBackoff
Defines the number of seconds to wait before retrying the job.
public function getJobBackoff(): int
return 60;
You may also provide an array to provide different backoffs for each retries.
public function getJobBackoff(): array
return [30, 60, 120];
# $jobTimeout
Defines the number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
public int $jobTimeout = 60 * 30;
# $jobRetryUntil
Defines the timestamp at which the job should timeout. Can also be set the getJobRetryUntil
public int $jobRetryUntil = 1610191764;
# getJobRetryUntil
Defines the time at which the job should timeout.
public function getJobRetryUntil(): DateTime
return now()->addMinutes(30);
# getJobDisplayName
Customises the display name of the JobDecorator
. It provides the same arguments as the asJob
public function getJobDisplayName(): string
return 'Send team report email';
# getJobTags
Adds some tags to the JobDecorator
. It provides the same arguments as the asJob
public function getJobTags(Team $team): array
return ['report', 'team:'.$team->id];
# getJobUniqueId
Defines the unique key when using the ShouldBeUnique
interface. It provides the same arguments as the asJob
public function getJobUniqueId(Team $team)
return $team->id;
# $jobUniqueId
Same as getJobUniqueId
but as a property.
public string $jobUniqueId = 'some_static_key';
# getJobUniqueFor
Define the amount of time in which a job should stay unique when using the ShouldBeUnique
interface. It provides the same arguments as the asJob
public function getJobUniqueFor(Team $team)
return $this->team->role === 'premium' ? 1800 : 3600;
# $jobUniqueFor
Same as getJobUniqueFor
but as a property.
public int $jobUniqueFor = 3600;
# getJobUniqueVia
Defines the cache driver to use to obtain the lock and therefore maintain the unicity of the jobs being dispatched. Defaults to: the default cache driver.
public function getJobUniqueVia()
return Cache::driver('redis');
# $jobDeleteWhenMissingModels
Same as getJobDeleteWhenMissingModels
but as a property.
public bool $jobDeleteWhenMissingModels = true;
# getJobDeleteWhenMissingModels
Defines whether to automatically delete jobs with missing models.
public function getJobDeleteWhenMissingModels(): bool
return true;
# jobFailed
Handle the job failure, if an exception is thrown it is passed in as the first arguent, the parameters the job was called with are spread into the rest of the arguments.
public function jobFailed(?Throwable, ...$parameters): void
// Send user notification of failure, etc...